We are grateful to be a part of this community, and we are grateful for everyone whose support makes this magazine possible.

It’s that time of year again. A new year. A fresh start. What area of your life do you need to restart? For me, it’s to remind myself that we all have way more in common than we do differences. One of the many things I’ve learned over the last six years of publishing The NEWTON Community Magazine is that I can pretty much get along with anyone if I choose to—not because I become someone that I’m not so they like me, but because I will choose to see our commonalities.
This world will do anything to point out our differences and bring them into our central focus, but what if we paused for a second and thought to see the world from others’ points of view. When we do that, we quickly see our common ground. That’s the heart behind why we do what we do at The NEWTON Community Magazine. When you read the stories about our neighbors here in Newton County, you get to learn about what makes them tick. The same Creator that makes them tick makes you tick, and that’s enough. That’s all that matters.
No one’s better than anyone else. We are all equal. Everyone’s story—past, present and future—is important and deserves to be told. That will remain our mission. When we’ve told everyone’s story, we’ll be done.
Have a great day today.
Scott Tredeau
P.S. If you have a story idea, please click here to tell us about it.