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Ah, time for what many consider the quintessential summer experience: the beach trip. I love the idea of a beach trip. I usually go with a plan to relax but never seem to be able to. It starts with the packing. I fill up my bag (plus the cooler and wagon that Scott so graciously lugs around for us) with all the things I think we’ll need: towels, sunscreen (various SPFs for face and body), drinks, snacks, kindle, phone, sunglasses, chairs, umbrellas, buckets and shovels and toys, oh my. 

Once we’re there, I’m restless. I’m fixated on the sand, which is everywhere—on my towel, in my swimsuit, in my hair, even in my mouth. It’s so hot. Where’s the breeze? I try cooling off in the water, but I can’t see my feet. What did I just step on? I’ll just relax under the umbrella and read. There’s a nice breeze now. Is it too windy? Is our umbrella going to blow away? OK, I’ll build a sand castle with the kids. This is fun, until I uncover an old band-aid buried in the sand. Is it time to go yet?  

Of course, there are those who relish the beach—like Fern and Wyatt, who can spend all day basking in the sun, chasing waves or just digging holes in the sand. This year, I’m going to try to get out of my own head long enough to live in the moment and enjoy the sounds of the waves crashing, birds calling and kids laughing. Whether you love it or loathe it, the beach will always be a rite of summer passage. Luckily, there’s plenty of seafood, air-conditioned surf shops, naps and Netflix to keep reluctant beachgoers like me coming back.

Have a great day today.
Scott Tredeau

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