Christians surrender to the truth that we cannot be good enough, brave enough or strong enough to work our way into Heaven. Only Jesus can rescue man from his sins.
by Brandon Stanley
The greatest question that could ever be asked is found in Luke 18, where the rich, young politician asked Jesus, “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” In Matthew’s account, he adds, “Teacher, what good things shall I do that I may obtain eternal life?”
Isn’t this the question of every human heart? Which path to God is the right one? Have I been good enough to get to heaven? The world offers many ways for humans to get to God. Christianity says it’s not a matter of man striving to get to God but the central truth that He comes to us with open arms. Ultimately, Jesus responds to the young man by saying, “Come follow Me.” He calls him to faith. He calls him to turn away from all other ways and stop striving to get to heaven by his own merit. Jesus identifies Himself as better. He is better because we cannot save ourselves or forgive our own sins. We cannot be good enough, brave enough or strong enough. He is better because He is good enough. He is Lord, Savior and our Redeemer. We cannot qualify ourselves and work our way to heaven. We must surrender to the One who can rescue us from our sins.
“As a pastor and believer, one of the most wonderful experiences in the world is watching someone follow Jesus.”
Brandon Stanley
As a pastor and believer, one of the most wonderful experiences in the world is watching someone follow Jesus. It is a joy to watch the Gospel ignite someone’s mind and heart. The realization that they cannot save themselves and that Jesus has saved them from a life of striving to a free life of following Him. A joyful life is one lived at peace with God. The rich, young politician was reluctant to admit he needed Jesus. He thought he was qualified through his own good works. This young man walked away in sadness and unbelief. His possessions were his stumbling block to making Jesus first in his life.
My prayer is that as you read this devotion today, you would hear the call of Jesus to follow Him. Just as the disciples heard Jesus say to them, “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men,” I pray that you will hear this same clear call to love and follow Jesus. I pray that you will not walk away grieved but run to Him in faith and repentance.
Brandon Stanley is the senior pastor at Crossroads Baptist Church in Social Circle. For information, visit
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