“It’s not the heat; it’s the humidity.” By now, you have either heard these words from your pseudo-meteorologist friends or let them drip from your own parched lips. Your strength is sapped, your soggy shirt sticks to your back and your tongue cleaves to the roof of your mouth, not because the mercury flirts with 100 degrees but because of the blasted moisture in the air. Something called a dew point factors into the equation, but let us not split frizzy hairs.

Can we all just agree that it’s hot and move on? Agree, yes. Move on? Never. We southerners love to talk about the weather, especially over a glass of sweet tea at El Charro, Stalvey’s or any of the other preferred eating establishments around town. By the way, warmer-than-normal temperatures are expected in Georgia this summer.
“What are you going to do with what you got?”
A friend of mine once said, “What are you going to do with what you got?” What we got is hot. If you like it that way, your answer probably reads something like this: hiking a trail, riding the rapids, cruising on the lake or chilling in the shade with some lemonade. If, however, you are holed up in a climate-controlled fortress reading a magazine—The Newton Community Magazine, for instance—in an effort to beat the heat, well, that’s not a bad option, either.
We can talk about the weather and we can complain about the weather, but there’s not much we can do about the weather. This is where we live, until this season passes and the next one arrives, bringing with it change and opportunity. Yes, hot is what we got. Just relax and have fun with it.
Click here to read more stories by David Roten.