Arts, Education & Innovation

Growing Knowledge

The Oxford Organic Farm supplies fresh food to the Oxford College dining hall and surrounding areas while providing students with practical lessons on growing and harvesting vegetables. by Michelle Floyd

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The Cream Rises to the Top

The Rock House Creamery in Newborn turns out a variety of milks and cheeses, and it stands as a throwback to mom-and-pop operations of yesteryear.  by Nat Harwell Seeing an

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Sports & Recreation

World Traveler

Nothing—not even a life-altering battle with Crohn’s disease—could stop Erron Maxey from pursuing his dream of playing professional basketball. The 40-year-old has now suited up in 15 different countries. by

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Arts, Education & Innovation

Well, Hello There

Informative tour takes groups through downtown Covington, touching on art, history, food, music and other areas of interest. by David Roten Talk about a one-stop shop. If you love art,

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Health & Wellness

Infection in the Crosshairs

Piedmont Newton Hospital deploys a pathogen-reducing UVC robot in an ever-evolving battle, adding another layer of safety for staff and patients in a world forever changed by the coronavirus pandemic.

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Health & Wellness

Harvesting Hope

The Christian-based Repairers of the Breach organization assists those in need, including the homeless, the elderly and families who have experienced domestic abuse, loss of work and various other traumas.

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Health & Wellness

Collective Effort

The Willing Helpers Medical Clinic has provided free medical care to more than 8,000 uninsured Newton County residents since it opened in 2006. by Michelle Floyd With potentially more than

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Health & Wellness

An Antidote for Anxiety

Sedation dentistry offers those afflicted by odontophobia—an irrational and overwhelming fear of dentists—a new option through which to combat their condition. by Patty Rasmussen If you have ever been filled

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Health & Wellness

Rescue Mission

Familiar white buses have trumpeted the arrival of blue-shirted heroes every weekday since March 17, as the Covington YMCA delivers much-needed food and supplies to those in need during the COVID-19

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