Health & Wellness

Stewards of the Land

Crystal Organic Farm sits on roughly 40 acres in Newborn and specializes in fruit, vegetable, flower and medicinal herb production as one of the oldest operations of its kind in

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Sports & Recreation

A River Runs Through It

The Yellow River serves as buoyant host to paddlers and fishermen who find a pleasant mix of relaxation, fun and adventure on its waters. by David Roten You may have

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Sports & Recreation

Bathed in Red and Black

Sanford Stadium, a 93,000-seat shrine to college football in the south, rests at the epicenter of University of Georgia fandom. Though the man whose name it bears was born in

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Diary of a Stuntman

Pratfalls, fistfights and explosions are all in a day’s work for Mike Fleetwood, whose credits include everything from television shows like ‘MacGyver’ and ‘Burn Notice’ to major feature films like

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Health & Wellness

Too Fit to Quit

Nicole Duncan’s competitive drive and expertise has taken her all over the world, but she felt a need to return to her hometown to make a difference in the lives

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Arts, Education & Innovation

In Pursuit of the Common Good

An assistant professor of English at Oxford College, Sarah Higinbotham continues to work with state prisons to provide incarcerated men and women access to higher education. by Michelle Floyd Teaching

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Arts, Education & Innovation

Musical Genius

Influenced by the Isley Brothers, Janet Jackson and various other artists, Chadrick Thomas picked up the violin at the age of 9 and has drawn the bow across the strings

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Health & Wellness

Special Delivery

Midwife Debbie Fulmer has made hundreds of natural, dignified births possible for clients across the entire socio-economic spectrum, from blue-collar workers to white-collar professionals. by Kari Apted Debbie Fulmer has

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