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The County’s Most Interesting Man

Newborn resident Tony Pless looks like your average older biker, clad in black leather and tattooed, with a long, white beard. Like most bikers, he has been places—some good and

‘The Essence of Our Y’

Sisters Carmen Brown and Beverly Burton consider the Covington Family YMCA a second home, whether they are partaking in a fitness class, utilizing the exercise machines, enjoying a brisk game

Newborn: A Town Full of Characters

by Kari Apted If you blink as you drive through rural Newton County, you might miss the tiny town of Newborn, and even if you see it, you’ll probably pronounce

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Healing Properties

Those who have driven down Hodges Circle in Mansfield have probably already seen the tall, colorful rooster that graces our cover. Its whimsical presence brightens the rural landscape as only

The County’s Most Interesting Man

Newborn resident Tony Pless looks like your average older biker, clad in black leather and tattooed, with a long, white beard. Like most bikers, he has been places—some good and

‘The Essence of Our Y’

Sisters Carmen Brown and Beverly Burton consider the Covington Family YMCA a second home, whether they are partaking in a fitness class, utilizing the exercise machines, enjoying a brisk game

Newborn: A Town Full of Characters

by Kari Apted If you blink as you drive through rural Newton County, you might miss the tiny town of Newborn, and even if you see it, you’ll probably pronounce

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Healing Properties

Those who have driven down Hodges Circle in Mansfield have probably already seen the tall, colorful rooster that graces our cover. Its whimsical presence brightens the rural landscape as only

The County’s Most Interesting Man

Newborn resident Tony Pless looks like your average older biker, clad in black leather and tattooed, with a long, white beard. Like most bikers, he has been places—some good and

‘The Essence of Our Y’

Sisters Carmen Brown and Beverly Burton consider the Covington Family YMCA a second home, whether they are partaking in a fitness class, utilizing the exercise machines, enjoying a brisk game

Newborn: A Town Full of Characters

by Kari Apted If you blink as you drive through rural Newton County, you might miss the tiny town of Newborn, and even if you see it, you’ll probably pronounce

Hurts, Hang-Ups and Habits

Pride and shame too often keeps us from answering God’s calls, but even Forrest Gump discovered he could not run from his past forever.  by Michael Stephens Joshua 1:9 says,

A Doctor in the House

A desire to serve God, family and community led Dr. Norris Little to a 40-year career in medicine. The beloved physician retired after nearly a decade as Piedmont Newton’s chief

Laser Focused

Kanikka Lewin showcases her boundless creativity through intricate wood and acrylic art pieces. Her journey from humble beginnings to overcoming self-doubt illuminates the power of passion, perseverance and unwavering support.

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Healing Properties

Those who have driven down Hodges Circle in Mansfield have probably already seen the tall, colorful rooster that graces our cover. Its whimsical presence brightens the rural landscape as only

The County’s Most Interesting Man

Newborn resident Tony Pless looks like your average older biker, clad in black leather and tattooed, with a long, white beard. Like most bikers, he has been places—some good and

‘The Essence of Our Y’

Sisters Carmen Brown and Beverly Burton consider the Covington Family YMCA a second home, whether they are partaking in a fitness class, utilizing the exercise machines, enjoying a brisk game

Newborn: A Town Full of Characters

by Kari Apted If you blink as you drive through rural Newton County, you might miss the tiny town of Newborn, and even if you see it, you’ll probably pronounce

On Style

Glorious Fashion

A Love Without Borders

Construction specialist Carlos Jaramillo was perfectly content with his life in Rutledge until he learned about a way to use his skills for a greater good. He has since made

Ticket to Ride

A quarter of a century has passed since the 1999 Newton High School baseball team set out on a remarkable journey to the state semifinals, galvanized a community and made

Nanny’s Carrot Cake

Every year when I was growing up in Porterdale, my Mama baked carrot and coconut cakes for Christmas. Her carrot cake was my favorite, because it didn’t have all the

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